
    Cost Map - Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How does Cost Map work with ArcGIS?
    Users log in with their named user account and are presented with a web map which contains hosted Feature Layers from the organizations ArcGIS Online or Portal account.

  2. What does it mean that Cost Map is powered by RSMeans data from Gordian?
    Cost Map is powered by Gordian’s RSMeans data providing accurate and up-to-date cost information mapped to Esri’s Data Utility Model.  Gordian is North America’s leading provider of construction cost data (material, equipment, and labor), software and services for all phases of the construction lifecycle.

  3. How accurate are the costs provided within the application based on location?
    The costs are extremely accurate because they are localized for over 900 3-digit zip codes covering the US and Canada.

  4. Is Cost Map an effective solution for planning future projects?
    Yes. Cost Map will include RSMeans predictive cost data that provides projected costs for 36 months into the future. Helping with the decision as to when to do the improvement.

  5. Will access to RSMeans data be a separate purchase from Cost Map?
    No, it is a single subscription for the application containing RSMeans data.

  6. Cost Map is available right now for Water Utilities. Are there plans to grow into additional industries?
    Yes. We will be launching versions for other industries later in 2018 to include Waste Water, Storm Water, and Transportation. Stay tuned!

  7. What Esri licensing is required to implement Cost Map?
    Level 2 named user accounts. As mentioned above, we support both ArcGIS Online and Enterprise hosted Web Maps.

  8. What is the cost/licensing structure for Cost Map?
    Cost Map powered by RSMeans data is $3,600 for a one-year subscription per seat.